Listen Live
Unfortunately, old age or illness hinders some of our brothers and sisters to attend the meetings in the Kingdom Hall. Various systems have been used to allow them to listen in while the meetings took place, like the "Churchphone" system (in the Netherlands, provided by the phone company) or another system that connected 5 phone lines to the audio system.
KZweb offers you a cost-efficient, scalable, flexible and easy to operate alternative, that makes use of the internet to provide audio acces to the meetings.
Apart from real time listening to the meetings, many congregations still provide recordings of the meetings. In the Netherlands this is done with a cassette recorder and tapes. Unfortunately this option becomes more and more problematic since this technology is phased out. Congregations have more difficulties in finding replacement recorders or tapes.
KZWeb solves this problem by keeping digital recordings in separate archives for each congregation in the Kingdom Hall. These recordings can be copied to USB storage devices (e.g. MP3 players).
The first deployment of KZWeb in a Kingdom Hall took place at January 27th, 2007 in the Netherlands. Currently (February 2025) KZWeb is being used in 90 Kingdom Halls by 190+ congregations.
If you would like to experience a live online demonstration of KZWeb, please contact us at the following email address: